
Moosejaw History…The Restaurant

Moose Jaw’s history is so interesting! We thought it would make a great restaurant theme.

Moose Jaw History… A City in Canada

July 1881 – James Ross & Hector Sutherland were looking for land for the Canadian Pacific Railway. A spot in Moose Jaw was the best place to cross the river.

April 1883 – The first passenger train arrived in Moose Jaw. Moose Jaw’s downtown was: 6 stores, 5 saloons, 1 drugstore, 2 blacksmiths, 3 hotels & 40 houses.

Early 1900’s- The city build tunnels underground for the heating systems

1906-1936 – Moose Jaw Brewing & Malting Company was in business.

1985 – A truck fell through a street revealing the tunnels. Historians say that the tunnels connected several hotels. These tunnels served as brothels & saloons during Prohibition.

June 2000 – The Tunnels of Moose Jaw opened for business. They present the town’s history in a fun way.

Moose Jaw History… Al Capone’s Hangout?

Alcohol was legal in Canada during Prohibition. Al Capone was able to make & ship alcohol directly to Chicago on the railroad. Al Capone supposedly lived in a Moose Jaw motel across the street from the railroad depot. He operated his business in the tunnels under the city.

Our tribute’s to this past include:

  • The Canadian flag is displayed in Moosejaw’s entrance.
  • Large wood trusses used to build the restaurant are from Canada.
  • The Shaved Capone sandwich is named for Al Capone.

Check out the restaurant’s walls for more photos!

Excerpts & pictures are credited to www.moosejaw.ca , www.virtualsk.com & www.tunnelsofmoosejaw.com